About Pure Ink Press
Partnership Publishing
Pure Ink Press is an independent publisher with the business model of partnership publishing. Partnership publishing combines elements of traditional publishing and self-publishing, offering authors an accessible and quicker route to a professionally published book.
While providing the same quality, standards, and benefits of traditional publishing, PIP’s business model of partnership publishing differs in that the author covers the costs of the publishing program (either with direct payments or through crowdfunding) and in return owns 100% of the book’s publishing rights and royalties. Authors also maintain creative control of their books and are an integral part of the publishing process from day one. We care about our authors and their books. Our partnership publishing relationship with authors continues long after publication.
As an independent publisher, we adhere to the professional standards of the publishing industry and only publish professional-quality books of a high standard. We have an experienced editorial, design, and marketing team with more than fifteen years of industry experience to assist you in every step of your publishing journey.

PIP offers several publishing programs, from our all-inclusive, nine-month full publishing program, to several custom-designed programs to suit individual books and authors’ needs and goals. If your book is accepted through our submission process, we will let you know which program we recommend for you and your book. Our programs include building and growing readership, professional editing, cover and layout design, production, an initial print run, distribution, marketing, and much more.
At PIP, we believe authors deserve the opportunity to get their books out into the world in a professional manner without having to sign away their rights or pay huge publishing costs themselves. PIP therefore provides authors the option of crowdfunding to raise their publishing program costs. Crowdfunding not only assists the author in raising part or all of the publishing program costs, but it also allows authors to build an audience long before the book is published. Alternatively, you might decide to fund your publishing program yourself. The choice is yours. To find out more details about our programs and costs, request a copy of our publishing information packet using the form below.
We accept unsolicited submissions for all genres from authors worldwide. Please visit our submissions page should you be interested in submitting your manuscript to us for consideration. Note that only books that meet our criteria and publishing standards will be selected to proceed with publishing. PIP is extremely selective with the books we choose to publish.
We currently have three imprints at PIP. We publish paperbacks, hardcovers, ebooks, and audiobooks.

Pure Ink Press
Pure Ink Press is our main imprint where we publish fiction, nonfiction, memoir, and poetry books.

Poppy Oak Press
Poppy Oak Press is our children’s picture book imprint.

Wellness Writers Press
Wellness Writers Press is a partner of PIP, publishing wellness books.